Karmaveer Bhausaheb Hiray Dental College & Hospital, Panchavati, Nashik - 3

Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Please include All the students on campus in all the semester yearwise View Document
2 All semester students year-wise. View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 The final year students of different program in the years of assessment period should be considered here View Document
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1 The first year students of different program in the years of assessment period should be considered here View Document
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1 Teachers working in the institution year-wise (Repeat counting in years allowed) View Document
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1 Official letter of sanction of post from the statutory body or Government View Document
2 Official letter from the Board of Management or Syndicate clearly mentioning the sanction of posts View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Extract of expenditure duly audited and certified by the Chartered Accountant/Finance Officer and Head of the institution View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Provide Nomination letter such as BoS and Academic Council From University View Document Number of inter-disciplinary /inter-departmental courses /training offered during the last five years Number of courses offered by the institution across all programs during the last five years

Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Minutes of relevant Academic Council/BoS meetings Clearly approving the interdisciplinary Courses with specifications of departments involved View Document
2 Contents shared by the SRA / Affiliating University clearly mentioning the interdisciplinary subjects The specified total number of subjects (papers) that the students study and write exams in order to obtain the degree. View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Year-wise List of the students enrolled in the Program as defined in 1.1.2 View Document
2 Course completion certificate of students View Document
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1 Brochure or /Course content of Value added courses View Document
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1 The institution should provide list of the students as per the requirement in the template failing which the claim will not be considered View Document
2 Attendance copy of the students enrolled for the course View Document
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1 Completion certificate of field visits/Clinical / industry internships /research projects/industry visits/community postings from the organization where internship was completed. View Document
2 Internship completion certificate given to the students by the host organization will be asked during DVV process with specific student list. View Document
3 In case of field visit, course content mentioning in favour of field visit, filed visit report with list of students duly attested by the Head of the institution to be provided View Document
4 Community posting certificate should be duly certified by the Head of the institution View Document

1.  Students

2.  Teachers

3.  Employers

4. Alumni 

5. Professionals

Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Sample filled in Structured Feedback to be provided by the institution for each category claimed in SSR View Document
2 Stakeholder feedback reports as stated in the minutes of meetings of the College Council /IQAC/ Curriculum Committee View Document
3 URL for feedback report View Document
4 Define professionals in Glossary View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 URL for Stakeholder feedback report. View Document
2 Action taken report of the Institution on feedback report as minute by the Governing Council, Syndicate, Board of Management. View Document Number of students admitted from the reserved categories as per GOI or State Government norms year-wise during last five years Number of seats earmarked for reserved categories as per GOI or State Govt. norms year-wise during the last five years

Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Copy of letter issued by state govt. or and Central Government (which-ever applicable)Indicating the reserved categories to be considered as per the GO rule (translated in English) View Document
2 Final admission list published by the HEI View Document
3 Admission extract submitted to the state OBC, SC and ST cell every year View Document
4 Annual Report/ BOM report/ Admission report duly certified by the Head of the Institution View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Relevant details certified by the Head of the Institution clearly mentioning the programs that are not covered under CET and the number of applications received for the same View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 E-copies of admission letters of the students enrolled from other states View Document
2 Copy of the domicile certificate as part of the from other states and countries and/or Previous degree/Matriculation / HSC certificate from other state or country View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Consolidated report of special programs for advanced learners and slow learners duly attested by the Head of the Institution View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 List of enrolled students in preceding year View Document
2 List of full time teachers in preceding yearr View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Proof of Establishment of Clinical Skill Laboratories View Document
2 Proof of patient simulators for simulation-based training View Document
3 Report on training programmes in Clinical skill lab/simulator Centre View Document
4 Details of training programs conducted and details of participants View Document
5 Geotagged Photos of the Clinical Skills Laboratory View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Copy of circular pertaining the details of mentor and their allotted mentees View Document
2 Approved Mentor list as announced by the HEI View Document
3 Allotment order of mentor to mentee View Document
4 In addition, issues raised and resolved in the mentor system has to be attached mentor-wise View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Sanction letters indicating number of posts (including Management sanctioned posts) by competent authority (in English/translated in English) View Document
2 Sanction letters indicating number of posts (Management sanctioned posts) View Document

Provide web link to:

Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Provide copies of highest degree certificates of the full time teachers for recognizing as Ph.D guides as per the eligibility criteria stipulated by the Regulatory Councils /Affiliating Universities Provisional Degree Certificate may be considered wherever Degree Certificate is not available. View Document

Data Requirement

Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Consolidated Experience certificate duly certified by the Head of the institution View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Certificate of completion of training for development of and delivery of e contents / e-courses /video lectures / demonstrations View Document
2 Web-link to the contents delivered by the faculty hosted in the HEI’s website o View Document
3 Reports of the e training programmes View Document
4 e-contents / e courses developed View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 e-Copies of award letters (scanned or soft copy) View Document
2 Awards claimed without certificates will not be considered View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Policy document of the options claimed by the institution duly signed by the Head of the Institution View Document
2 Re-test and Answer sheets View Document
3 List of opportunities provided for the students for midcourse improvement of performance in the examination View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Reports from Controller of Exam (COE) office/ Registrar evaluation mentioning the relevant details and the result analysis performed by the institution duly attested by the Head of the Institution View Document
2 Link for the annual report of examination results as placed before BoM/ Syndicate/ Governing Council for the last five years. View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Copies of Guide-ship letters or authorization of research guide provide by the university View Document
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1 Fellowship award letter / grant letter from the funding agency View Document
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1 E-copies of the grant award letters for research projects sponsored by Government, industries and nongovernment sources such as industries, corporate houses etc View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Report of the workshops/ seminars with photos View Document
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1 Web link of the approved code of Ethics View Document
2 Minutes of meetings of the committees with reference to the code of ethics View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 PhD/ DM/ M Ch/ PG Degree received letters of students (with guide’s name mentioned) View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 List of extension and outreach activities year wise during the last five years View Document
2 List of students in NSS/NCC/Red Cross/YRC involved in the extension and outreach activities year wise during the last five years Photographs or any supporting document in relevance View Document
3 Photograph or any supporting document in relevance View Document
4 Detailed program report for each extension and outreach program should be made available, with specific mention of number of students and collaborating agency participated View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Detailed program report for each extension and outreach program should be made available, with specific mention of number of students and collaborating agency participated and amount generated View Document
2 Photographs or any supporting document of relevance should have proper captions and dates View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Detailed program report for each extension and outreach program should be made available, with specific mention of number of students and collaborating agency participated and amount generated View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 E-copies of the MoU’s with institution/ industry/ corporate house, Indicating the start date and completion date View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Provide the consolidated fund allocation towards infrastructure augmentation facilities duly certified by Finance Officer / Chartered Accountant View Document
2 Highlight the relevant items in the balance sheet View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Extract of patient details duly attested by the Head of the institution View Document
Provide weblink to:
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1 Detailed report of activities and list of students benefitted due to exposure to learning resource View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Geotagged photos of health centres View Document
2 Government Order on allotment/assignment of PHC to the institution View Document
3 Documents of resident facility View Document

1. e – journals / e-books consortia

2. E-Shodh Sindhu

3. Shodh ganga


5. Discipline-specific Databases

Sr. No. File Name Link
1 E-copy of subscription letter/member ship letter or related document with the mention of year to be submitted View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Provide consolidated extract of expenditure for purchase of books and journals during the last five years duly attested by Chartered Accountant View Document
2 Audited Statement highlighting the expenditure for purchase of books and journal / library resources View Document
3 Proceedings of Library Committee meetings for allocation of fund and utilization of fund View Document


2. other MOOCs platforms


4. Institutional LMS

5. e-PG-Path shala

Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Give links e-content resources used by the teachers View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Geo-tagged photos of classrooms, seminar halls and demonstration rooms linked with internet /Wi-Fi enabled ICT facilities. View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Bills for any one month of the last completed academic year indicating internet connection plan, speed and bandwidth View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Provide balance sheet highlighting the items of expenditure incurred on maintenance of physical facilities and academic support facilities duly certified by Chartered Accountant. View Document
2 Provide budget extract incurred on maintenance of physical facilities and academic support facilities duly certified by Chartered accountant. View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Upload sanction letter of scholarship. View Document
2 Consolidated document of free ships and number of beneficiaries in each View Document
3 Year-wise list and number of beneficiaries View Document

1. Soft skill development

2. Language and communication skill development

3. Yoga and wellness

4. Analytical skill development

5. Human value development

6. Personality and professional development

7. Employability skill development

Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Detailed report of the Capacity enhancement programs and other skill development schemes View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Institutional website. Web-link to particular program/scheme mentioned in the metric View Document
2 Copy of circular/ brochure/report of the event/ activity report View Document
3 Annual report of Pre-Examination Coaching centres View Document
4 Year-wise list of students attending each of these schemes signed by competent authority View Document

1. Adoption of guidelines of Regulatory  bodies

2. Presence of the committee and mechanism of receiving student grievances (online/ offline)

3. Periodic meetings of the committee with minutes

4. Record of action taken

Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Minutes of the meetings of student redressal committee, prevention of sexual harassment committee and Anti Ragging committee. View Document
2 Circular/web-link/ committee report justifying the objective of the metric View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Pass Certificates of the examination View Document
2 Copies of the qualifying letters of the candidate View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Annual reports of Placement Cell. View Document
2 In case of self-employed professional services, registration with MCI or any other professional Body and documents for registered clinical Practitioner View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Upload supporting data for student/alumni as per data template. View Document
2 Any proof of admission to higher education View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Duly certified e copies of award letters and certificates View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Report of the events/along with photographs appropriately dated and captioned year-wise View Document
2 Copy of circular/ brochure indicating such kind of activities View Document

1.Financial / kind

2.Donation of books /Journals/ volumes

3.Students placement

4.Student exchanges

5.Institutional endowments

Sr. No. File Name Link
1 List of Alumni contributions made during the last 5years View Document
2 Annual audited statements of accounts. Extract of Audited statements of highlighting Alumni Association contribution duly certified by the Chartered Accountant/Finance Officer and Head of the Institutions View Document
3 EXTRACT of Audited statements of highlighting Alumni Association DVV View Document
4 For B/C/D Certification by the head of the institution View Document

1.  Academic Planning and Development

2.  Administration

3.   Finance and Accounts

4.   Student Admission and Support

5.   Examination

Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Institutional budget statements allocated for the heads of E_governance implementation View Document
2 ERP Document View Document
3 Screen shots of user interfaces of each module View Document
4 Annual e-governance report approved by Governing Council/ Board of Management/ Syndicate View Document
5 Policy documents View Document

Provide web link to:

Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Policy document on providing financial supporttoteachers View Document
2 E-copy of letter/s indicating financial assistance to teachers and list of teachers receiving financial support year-wise under each head. View Document
3 Audited statement of account highlighting the financial support to teachers to attend conferences/workshops and towards membership fee for professional bodies View Document

(Continuing education programmes, entrepreneurship development programmes, Professional skill development programmes, Training programmes for administrative staff etc.,)

Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Detailed program report for each program should be made available Reports of the Human Resource Development Centres (UGC ASC or other relevant centres) View Document
2 Reports of Academic Staff College or similar centres Verification of schedules of training programs View Document
3 Copy of circular/ brochure/report of training program self conducted program may also be considered View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Annual reports of the AQAR submitted to NAAC (not applicable to Cycle I Colleges) View Document
2 E-copy of the certificate of the program attended by teacher View Document
3 Days limits of program/course as prescribed by UGC/AICTE or Preferably Minimum one day programme conducted by recognized body/academic institution View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Annual statements of accounts. View Document
2 Copy of letter indicating the grants/funds received by respective agency as stated in metric View Document
3 Provide the budget extract of audited statement towards Grants received from Government / nongovernment bodies, individuals, philanthropist duly certified by chartered accountant / Finance Officer View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Details of programmes/ workshops/seminars specific to quality improvement attended by teachers year-wise during the last five years View Document
2 List of teachers who attended programmes/workshop s/seminars specific to quality improvement year-wise during the last five years View Document
3 Certificate of completion/participation in programs/ workshops/seminars specific to quality improvemen View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Minutes of the meetings of IQAC(not applicable to Cycle I ) View Document
2 Report of the feedback from the stakeholders duly attested by the Board of Management View Document
3 Report of the workshops, seminars and orientation program View Document
4 AQAR submitted to NAAC and other applicable certification from accreditation bodies (not applicable to Cycle I) View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Detailed program report with photographs (date and caption) for each program should be made available View Document
2 Copy of circular/ brochure / Report of the program View Document
3 Extract of Annual report View Document

1. Solar energy

2. Wheeling to the Grid

3. Sensor based energy conservation

4. Biogas plant

5. Use of LED bulbs/ power efficient equipment

Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Geo tagged photos View Document
2 Installation receipts View Document
3 Facilities for alternate sources of energy and energy conservation measures View Document

1.Rain water harvesting

2.Borewell /Open well recharge

3.Construction of tanks and bunds

4.Waste water recycling

5.Maintenance of water bodies and distribution system in the campu

Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Geo tagged photos View Document
2 Installation or maintenance reports of Water conservation facilities available in the Institution View Document

1. Restricted entry of automobiles

2. Battery-powered vehicles

3. Pedestrian-friendly pathways

4. Ban on use of plastics

5. Landscaping with trees and plants

Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Geotagged photo Code of conduct or visitor instruction displayed in the institution View Document
2 Geo tagged photos of the facilities as claimed by the institution View Document

1.Built environment with ramps/lifts for easy access to classrooms

2.Divyangjan friendly washrooms

4.Assistive technology and facilities for Divyangjan accessible website, screen-reading software, mechanized equipment

Provision for enquiry and information: Human assistance, reader, scribe, soft copies of reading material, screen reading

Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Geo tagged photos of the facilities as per the claim of the institution View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Weblink of the code of conduct View Document
2 Details of the monitoring committee of the code of conduct View Document
3 Details of Programs on professional ethics and awareness programs View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Data as per Data template View Document
2 Calculation as per the formula View Document

1.Central Sterile Supplies Department (CSSD) (Registers maintained)

2.Provides Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) while working in the clinic

3.Patient safety curriculum

4.Periodic fumigation / fogging for all clinical areas (Registers maintained)

5.Immunization of all the caregivers (Registers maintained)

6.Needle stick  injury Register

Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Registers maintained by the institution for the selected option. View Document
2 Central Sterile Supplies Department (CSSD) Register (Random Verification by DVV) View Document
3 Disinfection register (Random Verification by DVV) View Document
4 Immunization Register of preceding academic year View Document
5 Relevant records / documents for all 6 parameters View Document

1.Cone Beam Computed Tomogram (CBCT)

2.CAD/CAM facility

3.Imaging and morphometric softwares

4.Endodontic microscope

5.Dental LASER  Unit

6.Extended application of light based microscopy (phase contrast microscopy/polarized microscopy/fluorescent microscopy)

7.Immunohistochemical (IHC) set up

Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Invoice of Purchase View Document
2 Usage registers View Document
3 Geotagged photos of the facilities, and list of students trained in the opted facilities View Document

1.Comprehensive / integrated clinic

2.Implant clinic

3.Geriatric clinic

4.Special health care needs clinic

5.Tobacco cessation clinic

6.Esthetic clinic

Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Certificate from the principal /competent authority View Document
2 Geotagged photos of the facilities, and list of students trained in the opted facilities View Document
3 Any other relevant information View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 List of teachers and their Course completion and degree certificate of additional postgraduate Degrees/Diplomas/Fellowships beyond the eligibility requirements from recognized centres /universities in India or abroad View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 Policies documents regarding preventive immunization of students, teachers and hospital staff likely to be exposed to communicable diseases during their clinical work. View Document
2 List of the first year students provided with prophylactic immunization against communicable diseases like Hepatitis-B during their clinical work for last five years duly certified by the Head of the institution View Document
Sr. No. File Name Link
1 CA certified year-wise expenditure statement indicating extracts of per capita expenditure on Dental materials and other consumables used for student training during the last five years View Document
2 Private Institutions have to submit audited reports along with certificate from the Principal View Document